Newsletter Article

Looking Ahead, Meeting the Moment

Amie Miller, Psy.D., Executive Director

Embarking on a new fiscal year always brings plenty of complexities – a chance to see the big picture with fresh eyes and glimpse new possibilities, tempered by an understanding of the obstacles that may also lie ahead. Our charge at CalMHSA is to support you in ways that minimize those challenges and help you realize the possibilities.

Looking toward the next year, we’ve fixed our gaze on many of your most pressing needs, such as a new EHR designed to help counties optimize both clinically and fiscally, interoperability management to help meet state and federal requirements, compliance support for ever-changing regulations, solutions for workforce recruitment and retention – and the list goes on.

You may also be thinking ahead, or simply trying to manage in real time. Regardless, know that our team is always available to talk through potential solutions and offer up tools we may have at the ready for:

  • Health Information Technology
  • Managed Care
  • Workforce
  • Advancing Care
  • Outreach and Awareness Campaigns

As the ground shifts beneath our feet and what we can expect in the next year is more unclear than ever, CalMHSA is here to help you meet the moment, and to listen to what you

July 26, 2023